Monday, May 12, 2014

:: Perspective ::

What do you see?
Really, it's all a matter of perspective.
*Pic from Pinterest

Friday, March 28, 2014

I Got Stitches?!

       Hey! Gosh, it's been forever since my last post! How've you been? Well, I got my "first" stitches last night!! Woohoo! I mean "first" as in visible stitches - I have had stitches in my mouth before. Anywho, it involved scissors ... so it was a bit painful. The worst part was definitely the numbing shots. After that, though, I couldn't feel a thing, so I actually watched the doctor sew my finger and it was pretty cool. I would post a picture, but I'm pretty sure it would gross most of you out, so I won't. =) Ok, so moving on... my mind is blank. Oh! I will try to start that devo series soon. I haven't decided what the first topic is yet, but it will probably be something from the poll I set up a while ago. Well, I know this is short, but it's all for now. Bye!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Read Through Proverbs In a Month With Me!!

        My youth pastor challenged us to read through the book of Proverbs starting March 1st. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, and 31 days in March. If I'm being totally honest, it's going to be a challenge for me to read the Bible every day. I know it's easy to turn to the Bible and turn to God when things are ruff, but what about all those other normal days? So, let me know in the comments if you want to do this with me! I think it'd be awesome to post a list of people who participated at the end of the month. We start Saturday. =)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 4: Your Dream Job

Here is your mission: *inserts highly detailed, highly secretive, mind-boggling James Bond-esque mission.
Do you accept?
Yes, sir!
You will be debriefed tomorrow morning, in my office, at 8:00.
*skip ahead to the next morning
You will be engaging in combat, heavy artillery, and a whole bunch of other adrenaline rushing, life threatening circumstances.
*le me boards a plane for Budapest, eagerly awaiting my covert spy operation
Ok, so that's probably not gonna happen. But, hey, a girl can dream! I think it would be so cool to be a spy for a day - I love hiding and secrets and all that spy stuff. When I was really little, my Dad would take me with him to the karate classes he taught, so I had a love of combat from early on. Maybe combat isn't the right word... hmm, I'll have to work on that. Oh! Speaking of hiding, I played manhunt a couple days ago with my youth group. I'd forgotten how much fun that game was - we were hiding in the woods, the parking lot, *cough the roof *cough! I think I'd enjoy being a spy, if it weren't for the constant looking over your shoulder, killing people, covering your tracks, all that jazz. You know, I think there should be a group of spy-wannabes who call each other up now and then to capture the pastor/set up a recovery mission - with paintball and walkie-talkies. Then, once everything's done, we could all go out for subs or something. Does anyone else get my point here? =D
*Day 4: Thanks for reading!