About Me

               As far back as I can remember, music has been a major part of my life. I remember singing in plays in kindergarten, making up songs, taking piano lessons since 2nd grade, singing in a Christmas cantata, playing the flute in my church orchestra, too many offertories to remember, accompanying, dozens of recitals, and the list just goes on and on! Right now, as I look back at all I have accomplished, I am so grateful for every single opportunity I have had. My whole life has been centered around various aspects of music, and I couldn't imagine who I'd be without that. I feel very blessed to have had multiple teachers over the last nine years to help guide me through everything (and I am still taking lessons from one). I am so appreciative to every single one of them for taking the time to teach me about music.
   Lately, I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life, what I want to accomplish. What impact do I want to leave on the world? Now, I'm not talking about the whole entire world here, but instead, the people around me whom I care about: my world. I want to be the right kind of influence for those younger than me, and a respectable person to my elders. I try not to think with the mindset of "hmm, I wonder if I'll get anything out of doing this," but instead "hey, maybe I could do something to make that person smile today". Is it just me, or is there something about making a person smile (children especially)?
               Speaking of children, I love them, every single one of them. No matter what they do, I always seem to see something positive in them. They don't care about popularity yet, or body image, or peer pressure or anything else that comes with "pre-teen/teen" years. There's just no way for me to explain how I feel about them. :)
               So, I guess that's about all you need to know right now. I probably forgot something important, but I'll edit it in later if I did.

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