Friday, March 28, 2014

I Got Stitches?!

       Hey! Gosh, it's been forever since my last post! How've you been? Well, I got my "first" stitches last night!! Woohoo! I mean "first" as in visible stitches - I have had stitches in my mouth before. Anywho, it involved scissors ... so it was a bit painful. The worst part was definitely the numbing shots. After that, though, I couldn't feel a thing, so I actually watched the doctor sew my finger and it was pretty cool. I would post a picture, but I'm pretty sure it would gross most of you out, so I won't. =) Ok, so moving on... my mind is blank. Oh! I will try to start that devo series soon. I haven't decided what the first topic is yet, but it will probably be something from the poll I set up a while ago. Well, I know this is short, but it's all for now. Bye!

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